Marcin Zaremski


πŸ—ΊοΈ Roadmap

This is my roadmap of my projects I am going to work on:

🧭 GpxOverlay

It is my biggest bet, the whole Indie Hacking story started to play. It is a tool to create data overlays over sports video. It's very specific niche, definitely not well known among indie hackers. This is what indie hacking is, isnt't?

Proof of concept Live First user Initial traction Paywall ready First paid user Paid users traction

Are you biker? See it now!

πŸ§‘β€πŸš€ PerSite

This is basically my website, where you are right now. Addidionaly there is my whole knowledge I learn and use in indie hacking on daily basis. I just thought would be good to share everything I know in the one plave. I am updating it on daily basis, so you are more than welcome to check it out.

Proof of concept Live First user Initial traction Paywall ready First paid user Paid users traction

Get started now


My next project I haven't started developing yet. It's about collecting testimonials from forms, social media, letting you to manage it, and automatically sharing it on your website. Also, it's going to have plenty social proof and testimonials widgets to boost your conversion. Almost no setup needed.

Proof of concept Live First user Initial traction Paywall ready First paid user Paid users traction

Sing up for waiting list

No Setup Landing Page Boilerplate

Just another boilerplate for landing pages. But this time, no setup needed and get your idea ready in minutes, not hours.

Proof of concept

Directory Boilerplate

Boilerplate to make your own directory in minutes.

Proof of concept
Get this website for free – PerSite